Still got questions?

We understand that sometimes the fear of the unknown holds us back from trying something new and we end up missing out on new things that could bring enormous benefits and joy for our lives. 

So here are some of our frequently asked questions (FAQs) about our 3 modalities to ease your nerves. These answers will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision and experience the numerous benefits of our exclusive treatments.


What is the step by step since I entered the premises of Recovery Culture?

We have 3 modalities optimized for a 60 minute circuit starting with normatec boots for dry recovery. Sit back in our zero gravity recliners, one of our staff members will help you to connect the Normatec boots and once finished with your 20 minutes session just wave and we will assist you. 

Next you head to our changing rooms, getting ready for our wet recovery (please bring something to bathe in). In our sauna suite you will experience deep sweat for 20-30 min and then follow to the spas deck. Just make sure you have a shower before entering the Contrast Therapy area, that starts with cold immersion then alternates from the hot bath for short periods of time until your recovery session time is finished. We have an analog watch up high to make sure you time your last minutes. 

What should I wear?

To allow the infrared rays to better penetrate your skin we recommend that less is best. Swimsuit or gym clothing are welcome, just remember that the main goal is to sweat and cleanse the body, so wearing light and breathable clothing is key.

We also recommend removing jewelry as any metal can become uncomfortably hot or cause skin irritation.

What should I bring?

In RC we offer pure natural water for all clients, so feel free to bring your own bottle or we will provide you with cups. 

Bring your towel or hire one of ours. Our hygiene etiquette ensures that all clients sit on a towel when in the sauna to prevent direct contact with the sauna bench.

What temperatures will I get to?

During your infrared sauna session your body will be exposed to temperatures between 50 to 70 degrees Celsius. Follow this up with the Contrast Immersion Therapy where the cold water tub will get to temperatures as low as 10 degrees celsius and the hot spa ranging between 37-43°C.

What is the difference between infrared sauna and traditional sauna?

Infrared saunas offer a unique heating method that differs from traditional saunas, heating from the inside out, not the other way around. Instead of heating the air around you, it generates heat that directly warms your body.

One significant advantage of infrared saunas is their potential to aid in detoxification. It is claimed that infrared saunas can assist in removing up to 20% of toxins from the body, whereas traditional saunas typically eliminate about 3% of toxins.

How many people can fit in the sauna?

Our two saunas fit up to 3 people each making it perfect for a social gathering.

How often should I use the sauna?

Studies show that sauna usage 3 times per week can reduce the risk of heart attack by upto 50%. The frequency of infrared sauna use can vary depending on individual preferences and health conditions. We recommend 2 to 3 times a week for beginners before increasing the frequency.

Once you are accustomed to the sauna, you can increase and use it 3 to 5 times per week. However, it's important to listen to your body and adjust the frequency based on your comfort level, monitoring your body's response and ensuring you stay properly hydrated.

Who shouldn’t use the modalities?

The heat isn’t recommended if you are pregnant or have a pacemaker and some skin conditions can be aggravated by the heat in a sauna. 

Individual health circumstances vary, and we always encourage our clients to seek professional advice before using our services.

is there a minimum age?

People aged 16 years and over are allowed to use the facility. 16-18 year olds will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian or have written approval and consent prior to the session.

What is your covid 19 HYGIENE plan?

We take hygiene very seriously here at Recovery Culture. Our facilities are maintained to the highest standards of cleanliness, and our staff are trained to maintain this throughout the day to ensure you are safe and happy.

In addition to the regular daily cleaning and maintenance of our equipment, Recovery Culture is also thoroughly cleaned every night by a local professional cleaning service.

Recovery Culture is compliant with the Queensland Government COVID Safe Checklist & requirements for Personal Services, as updated from time-to-time.

We ask that guests do not attend if they are feeling unwell, have any cold or flu like symptoms (e.g. Fever, Cough, Sore throat, Aches & pains, Sniffles), have a raised temperature, have suffered from diarrhoea in the last 48 hours, or in the past two weeks has been exposed to anyone with COVID.