recovery PROTOCOLS

Hot, cold, contrast and compression therapies have been used for centuries to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. These therapeutic techniques are commonly employed by healthcare professionals and athletes alike, and their effectiveness has been supported by both anecdotal evidence and scientific research.


Contrast Therapy, a traditional practice deeply rooted in Nordic cultures for centuries, involves alternating between hot saunas or hot soaks and icy cold waters. The Nordic societies have long recognized the health benefits associated with this therapy, which is often attributed to their reputation as one of the healthiest societies in the world.

By embracing the Rejuvenate Circuit, individuals can tap into a range of potential benefits for their overall well-being. These may include improved blood circulation, better cardiovascular health, boosted immune function, reduced inflammation, increased mental clarity, faster muscle recovery, better sleep quality  and a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. It is a time-honored practice that has stood the test of time, offering a holistic approach to health and vitality.


The Rejuvenate Circuit begins with a 20-minute session on the Normatec Compression Boots (bringing some increase of blood and lymphatic drainage to the hind limbs) followed by 20 minutes in a infrared hot sauna, creating a heat-induced environment. This is then followed by a session of immersing oneself in cold and hot water for the last 20 minutes of the session.





We recommend that you don’t eat heavily 90 minutes prior to the session.

Drinking plenty of water or a cup of tea before can enhance your experience.


Our Full Spectrum infrared sauna offers you the opportunity of adding your own essential oil during your therapy session. Here are some tips to boost your experience and help you get your health back on track quicker:

  • Lemongrass essential oil for ligaments and when applied on the skin increases lymphatic circulation which assists toxin removal 

  • Clove essential oil helps remove heavy metals 

  • Frankincense and rosemary essential oils can be applied topically for arthritis relief.

  • Try using citrus oils like grapefruit & tangerine as it may help mobilize fat stores and assist in weight loss

  • Tea pre-sauna: Rosemary tea increases body temperature & relaxes muscles. A great tea to be taken prior to your session for those who take longer to sweat. Ginger tea promotes circulation. Chamomile increases body temperature and acts as a muscle relaxant.

  • Tea post-sauna: Turmeric for anti inflammation, thins & cleanses blood, anti microbial. Calendula – anti inflammation. Chamomile – increases body temperature, muscle relaxant. 

sleep cycle

Sleep quality dictates how our entire body functions. A good quality sleep consolidates our memory, repairs muscle, improves motor function and removes plaque from the brain. But for many, a good night's rest is a luxury.

The Sleep Protocol involves using heat and steam before bedtime in order to relax the mind and body, creating ideal conditions for quality sleep. Intentionally finishing up the immersion therapy in warm water helps to relieve stress, relax muscles, and improve circulation, which can all contribute to a better sleep experience. Additionally, the sauna's calming effects can help to promote a sense of relaxation and calmness, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

The Sleep protocol is available every night from 5pm


What makes this protocol unique is the focus on promoting a sense of relaxation and calmness, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.





Make use of this protocol 30-40 minutes before bedtime 

After the sauna, refrain from using your phone or putting the TV on. 

Use this time to sip some tea and relax. 


Our Full Spectrum infrared sauna offers you the opportunity of adding your own essential oil during your therapy session. Here are some tips to boost your experience and help you get your health back on track quicker:

  • Camomile tea post session helps to relax

  • Lavender essential oil: place 2 - 3 drops on the spine or on the bottom of the feet before bed or rub into your chest during your sauna session.

It's important to note that individual experiences may vary, and it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating infrared sauna, compression or contrast therapies into your routine - especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.